Friday 7 September 2012

You cannot Chase Two Rabbits at the Same Time

Chasing two rabbits at the same time is suicide, it is like standing in the middle of the road where you might get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. It is indeed a risk and in the process you might result loosing both rabbits.

Prioritising is key in situations like this one, prioritising keeps you in course of achieving your goals and objectives. Literally speaking, a rabbit is a small but intelligent animal, even two big dogs are not enough to catch one rabbit. This means that do not underestimate something because it is small, it might surprise you. Likewise chasing two goals simultaneously no matter how small they might look, might also result in loosing everything. On the other hand chasing two rabbits at the same time might be a good decision if well calculated, provided the rabbits are running to the same direction. Working and studying are good examples of chasing two rabbits, you get work experience and your degree in the end. No ways you can loose both.

Josh Billings once said "consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there." This is the valley of decisions, if you cant decide there is no place for you. You can not chase two rabbits at the same time, it is too risky.
"the impossible" =

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