Tuesday 31 July 2012

A skill set called leadership.

King Sobhuza II ( greatest leader of the 90th century)
The skill set called leadership is action not position. It has a take charge attitude. It is goal -oriented and driven and usually is the one with  the initiative to get things off the ground.

Leadership is not learned at school like accounting, you are born with it. It is hereditary, you inherit it from your parents. The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You cant blow a uncertain trumpet. However, the task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to illicit it, for greatness is there already. Sometimes the skill isn't about being in-charge, it is the state of mind. The only prerequisites to leadership are that you remain positive, calm and open minded just like King Sobhuza who fought diligently with the Britain's until he got independence for his people in 1968.

This skill can lead an individual to jobs like law enforcement and politics where you are counted on to make snap decisions without later observing over your choice. Moreover,  leadership comes from integrity- that you do what you ask others to do. It does not need to be dramatic, fist in the air and trumpets blaring, activity.

Why would I be the most famous?

"The Lion and King of Swaziland"
This is a simple question to answer considering my background. Indeed everybody would love to return a hand for people who have showed how much they care for them, same with me. If I were to be the world's famous for 15 minutes, I would love to be famous for being loyal to my King and family. They are all I have on this earth and have supported me academically and in life generally.

Since my biological father passed away years back when I was 7 years old, my family more especially the King raised me as if I was his own son. He ensure that I receive proper education that enable me to stand on my own as a man. However, no good life can be lead without some bad days too, as a human being myself sometimes I blame my family for my failers. I completed high school and spent several years before joining tertiary. At home there is no opportunity to grow as an individual but you are always made to depend on others.

Being true to myself is about developing and expressing my special talents and uniqueness; doing things that I feel I was born to do and that is protecting the Swazi monarch and my King. My happiness is always embedded on my loyalty to His Majesty thus being famous for being honest and loyal to him, I believe will open the heavens doors for me and my siblings and also guarantee me an award of honor from my ancestors. 

Friday 27 July 2012


"luck symbol to increase chances of winning"
Luck is not something that happens to you, you make it happen. If you put yourself in charge of your own life and make the most of every situation and experience, you will attract more luck. Skills such as perseverance, good decision making, willingness to go the extra mile, readiness to take risks, hard work and talent are vital formula for apparent luck.

Lucky people have more than just the positive view of life. They see the plus side, the advantage or even the potential advantage of manipulating any situation. However, reframing (looking at life in a different way) is a useful technique if you are limiting yourself with phrases such as 'I am too slow', 'I wish I could stop'. For example; if you say to yourself "I walk around with my shoulders hunched and looking at the ground," bear in mind that you will always notice money that has been dropped.

Keep in mind that life will never go your way unless on top of all the qualities that contribute to luck. Luck is about balance, knowing when to place your confidence and reliance on facts and when to fly in the face of information and go with intuition. Moreover, luck is about being in the right place at the right time.

What winners know

"all eyes on the cristal ball"
One of the crucial distinction  between winners and losers is action. Winners act. They don't talk about it, they don't wait, they go out and do what ever it is that needs to be done. Simple!!!

However, on their quest winners are bound to failer but they are encouraged by the fact that even geniuses don't get things right the first time. Winners make mistakes and learn from them. They see what a situation has teach them and actually assimilate that lesson, then an experience is never negative, it is a lesson waiting to be learnt. They believe that there is absolutely nothing a person can do about what has happened, but an individual can do something about what will happen in future.

Winners know that if you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence you have won even before you have started. Prerequisite is the fact that winners know when to stop. They do not confuse persistence with stubbornness.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

List your top 200 achievements.

Champions of engineering stand
Listing top 200 achievement is very impossible for a young man like me. I Am still in the making, everyday is an opportunity to learn, grow and achieve something. I will just list few categories whom I believe when critically analysed will make a list of the top 200 achievements..

Academically, I have achieved a Diploma in Public Relations Management. There are so many achievements which fall under education including my graduating at Pre-school, My exception in mathematics from Primary to High school and many more. Culturally, I achieved being in the disciplinary committee in my regiment at a young age. Again many achievements fall under this category including winning all cases against me and changing the way the regiment was organised  and its culture. However, I have achieved even much bigger socially (captain in my team under 14), Politically (member of the constitution drafting committee in Swaziland) and materially (have a car).

It is then for you to break down the categories and make a list of 200 achievements. All my achievement are linked together. They have made me what I am today, a B-Tech Public Relations student at CPUT and being part of the open day organising team for the Champions of Engineering stand was my great achievement academically. 

What motivates me?

"Crystal ball"
Motivation is both the desire and willingness to do something. It is what gets me started and whats keeps me going. I always require motivation in my life to go through the difficult times. My high ambitions for luxury keeps me wanting even more bigger things.

One thing that gets me motivated is an ant. I learn many things from an ant. An ant is a very small insect but very wise and ambitious. It searches for an alternative way when it meets an obstacle and it never turns back. It has discipline and foresight. It knows that it wont get food in the rainy season, so it collects the food before summer begins. Most essential it feels failure is the first step to success. It wont give up until it reaches its goal. However it can die while working hard to archive its goal. It is always in danger from bigger animals.

Staying motivated is a challenge in any life. I am always most likely to stay motivated if I have plenty of good reasons to accomplish the goals and are mindful of the consequences of failure. All in one results and growing are the bases of my motivation.