Saturday 22 September 2012

Be willing to fail

"tired to do job"

We must be willing to fail and appreciate the truth that often "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived." The more times you try, the more you will fail and succeed. To avoid failure is to avoid success. It is better to try and fail than fail to try.

A men self trust is one of his greatest assets. When he second -guess himself by worrying about failure, he destroy himself. An intelligent person considers the prospects of failure, but doesn't preoccupy himself with pointlees worries. He accepts outcomes of failure and deal with them. However, don't make friends with failure for you will keep repeating the same things again and again.

Failure is where treasure is. A wise man grows more from failure than he does from success. Success has its challenges, but a wise man learns more about himself when he takes on challenges that involve risk. When a man plays it safe, he loses his vitality, furthermore loses his edge.

Have You Figured a Second Head Fake?

It will be damn stupid of me to deny this. Yes, I have figured the second head fake. It is the unrealistic head that controls the things I do, therefore my second head fake is my passion for richness.

A second head fake is like phantom pain. For example in an amputated limp, you constantly feel pain of something that doesn't exist. Likewise with the second head fake, it controls my thinking while it doesn't exist. My passion for richness controls the things I do, it makes me selfish and self-centred. I want everything for myself, I don't care how I get it and who is hate along the line but as long as I get what I want. However, because am an ethical person the second head fake protects my economy from strangers that want a share they don't deserve.
A second head fake messes your life if you not aware of it. It can destroy you completely from the earth surface. It is like a weevil in a maize seed, it eats the inside and leave the shell.  
"fake head"

100 Things to do before I die

"explore the unexplored"
 Writing 100 things to do before I die can waste lots of my time thus I will shorten it. Before I die I would love to explore the unexplored in my beautiful continent Africa.

As I grew to understand life, I have learnt that he who never walks except where he sees other men's tracks will make no discoveries. likewise, walking on the white men's track will not help explore the opportunities of the beautiful continent, but will limit our minds to an individual's understanding. There are so many things to be explored in Africa including mesmerising places where one can enjoy the total tranquillity or be part of the endless crown. Moreover, Africa is still to find its governance system. Therefore, it is within my destiny to ensure Africa finds a system of governance that is in line with 'ubuntu'. "I Africa itakwakha kwayo."

Julius Cesar once said cowards die many times before their death. Thus before I die I want to take the road less travelled and live a life less ordinary, not living by the ideology of a white men. There is still so much to explore in Africa.

Trust only the Lord your God

"The foundation of life"

Never make a  mistake of trusting a human being, only trust the Lord God our creator. A humans heart changes everyday but the love of the Lord remains the same today, tomorrow and forever.

People talk good when you with them and when you turn your face away from them they are like snakes ready to bite you. They do not tell the truth, they are liers that twist the truth. Their mouth are like empty graves, they say nice things to other people , but are only trying to trap them. People don't understand the good things that the Lord does. They don't see the good things God does, No, they don't understand. Instead they destroy the good that God does. However, plenty people claim to be good disciples but I tell you they are wolfs in sheep skins. Test them and you will see their true colours.

Every good and perfect gift comes down from the father who created all lights from heaven. He is always the same and never makes dark shadows by changing. Trust only in the Lord, he is the source of Life.

Why I have conversations?

There are so many reasons why I have conversations. But one of the main reasons is to scale my knowledge. From there I learn from my past mistakes thus be able to project the future and  learn new things simultaneously.

For my brighter future it is very important that I learn from my past mistakes so not to fall into the same pit again. Everyday of my life I have conversations either with myself and with people around me. However all this conversations have one goal, to help me understand life and grow. On the other hand some conversations are time waisting, more especially with fake friends, I conversate just to keep time going.

Professionally, as a Public Relations practitionner I conversate to create and maintain relationships. It is key in ensuring that I grow in the field.

Monday 10 September 2012


"Love never fails"
Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. It is wish for others to be happy and to have the causes for happiness. Such a wish naturally follows from compassionate sympathy.

Often I project love as a seed. A seed never dies. You can throw it away and assume it is dead but after few weeks you will see a plant where you threw the seed. Later on the plant matures and produces more seeds and more plants. That is what I call love. True love. As the plant grows it faces many challenges, wind, storm so on. However, it continues with its Patience until it dies. Likewise love faces the same challenges lies, manipulation, hatred, jealous and so on but it continues besides those challenges. Love learns and grow everyday until the end.

love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up and its faith, hope and Patience never falls. It is perfect.


"mutual relationship"
Relationships don't just happen, they are built. they are natured. For a relationship to mature healthily, through, reality must eventually intrude, inviting acceptance, understanding and trust and allowing individual growth.

In a healthy relationship, you each retain a sense of independent and value each others different strengths. This is what makes you who you are, shape your approach to life and bring your happiness.

When we are attracted to someone, it is natural also to be attracted to someone of the same interest, activities and people and it is also natural to absorb some of these into your own life and to share some of the same opinions. However, having your own ideas and standing up for yourself are essentials for your self respect and you relationship

If there are genuine grounds to fear your partner may leave you if you show your true colours, leave her and move on. don't waste each others precious time. Always remember your most important relationship is with yourself. You may loose a partner someday , but you are stucked with yourself forever.  

Do people really have Power?

"people protesting"
What is this people's power? Do people really have power? For the past few years I have been asking myself this questions and still have no idea what is this ghost called 'people's power'.

According to my own definition people's power is a phase used by politicians to manipulate people into believing that they posses power. In reality there is nothing like people's power. People posees no power at all thus only a minority few individuals in high positions have possetion of power. They are the ones with power to control things. The fact that every now and then people strikes, boycott is a sign that they don't have power.

Concurrently, people are made to believe that multi-party democracy is legitimately a democratic system. I don't want to agree or disagree with this statement but will ask a question " did people come out with the system or it was an idea of an individual?, how did it reach the people? was it imposed on to them by force or they themselves choose it?" The answers to this questions are obvious. Multi-party democracy began as an idea from an individual and was imposed to the people as a legitimate system to represent the voice of the voiceless. wow!!! What a lie. However people can have power only when they buy an idea of an individual thus unite upone that idea.

I conclude by emphasising that there is nothing like people's power. Democracy is a smart way to manipulate people.

Saturday 8 September 2012

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain).

"having one idea"
Its pretty to have an idea but having one idea is very dangerous. You might get stucked in the middle of the forest and become prey for vultures. Its true that some ideas might suck but there are worth more than having one idea.

As engaging as the article, I am encouraged to focus or be interested in a quote from a biologist named Francis Crick, who is reported to have said:
"The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because he will fight and die for it. The way real science goes is that you come up with lots of ideas, and most of them will be wrong."

Francis Crick admit that scientist can come up with lots of ideas with most of them being wrong. Thus having one idea robs people of exploration, it limit them from exploring different alternatives in life. Concurrently, even bad ideas are better than no ideas. At the least they can lead to better ideas, possible great ideas. However, having many useless ideas might be a waste of time because in the end one one idea is useful. Today, time is precious, time is money. Why waste time brainstoming lots of ideas while one is needed? Stick to one idea and make it reality.

You might want to ignore me but I tell you, having one idea is like having one teeth. No matter how painful it is you have no choice but to use it. This is very dangerous considering that people with one idea always fight fiercely for that idea regardless of its merit.

Friday 7 September 2012

You cannot Chase Two Rabbits at the Same Time

Chasing two rabbits at the same time is suicide, it is like standing in the middle of the road where you might get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. It is indeed a risk and in the process you might result loosing both rabbits.

Prioritising is key in situations like this one, prioritising keeps you in course of achieving your goals and objectives. Literally speaking, a rabbit is a small but intelligent animal, even two big dogs are not enough to catch one rabbit. This means that do not underestimate something because it is small, it might surprise you. Likewise chasing two goals simultaneously no matter how small they might look, might also result in loosing everything. On the other hand chasing two rabbits at the same time might be a good decision if well calculated, provided the rabbits are running to the same direction. Working and studying are good examples of chasing two rabbits, you get work experience and your degree in the end. No ways you can loose both.

Josh Billings once said "consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there." This is the valley of decisions, if you cant decide there is no place for you. You can not chase two rabbits at the same time, it is too risky.
"the impossible" =

Missing someone

"everyone has a heart"
It is a very disheartening and painful to miss someone. You will miss someone if only you have lot of affection and love with that individual. Every one minute will seem to be very long when missing someone.
The flowers, nature, sunshine, spring rainbow and all other things will not bring in happiness and solance when you do not have the person dear, near you. It is similar to the situation of fish being out of water. In a book I read last week the writer said "sometimes when one person is missing, the world seem depopulated."  However,  when you miss someone, the affection grows tremendously. An English proverb says "absence makes the heart grow fonder." When you miss someone, they may appear in your dreams too because your heart and mind are filled with their thoughts always.
Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. Its about that very moment when you are doing something and wishing them were right there with you. The sad truth is that we are all missing someone and hoping they are missing us too.

Were people meant to be unhappy?

"totally unhappy"

Do not think that anyone was “meant to be unhappy.” I have gone through rough patches in my life, and it does get better, thought it may take some time. Trust me when I say, it is all worth it. To finally achieve true happiness.

I have just learned in my past three years in the University that you need to figure out who the positive people are in your life and the negative people. You need to focus all of your energy towards the positive ones. I can’t believe it took me that long to figure that out, but it really works, and after three and a half years in Varsity, I finally find my way. Imagine what you would like to see change or happen in your life and take action. However some people are wolfs in sheep skins. You will never figure them out until you put them into test. True friends wont sterb you on your back.

I believe that thinking positive can have a great positive influence in your life and your choosing. Remember, no good life can be led without some bad days too.

Conventional is a Good Fallback position isnt it?


In nature people are prone to fall back but when time comes for one to fall back conventional is the best possible solution that can lead to happiness. Accepting the standard or conditions in which you at in a particular time is the foundation to happiness and possibilities of moving on if you have that courage. Sometimes in order to build you have to start from scratch.

When time has come to fallback. prepare yourself for conventional. You just have to acknowledge the facts instead of dismissing it as no big deal. Its perfectly normal. Indeed it takes some time to unjust but  it is always for the best. However, if you are still ambitious and keen to regain your position you need to be careful not to feel comfortable in your new position after conventional. People adapt easy to circumstances.

Furthermore, happiness is a result of accepting who you are therefore generating opportunities to grow. Thus conventional is a good fallback position because it encourages an individual to accept life as is in a particular time.

Happiness is fundamental - Mlandvo

Thursday 6 September 2012

My Big Fat Dream

I am just an ordinary man in this world, but look at me because I believe and I dream big time. I have huge dreams. My big fat dream is being a billionaire and being on the cover of the  Forbes Magazine.

Dreaming is great but nothing happens until you wake up. I know my world is flooded with motivational proclamation and anecdotes about following my dreams and accomplishing my goals in life. However there is a thin line between dreaming and living a dream. The key is to be willing to take risks. In the past big guns like Bill Gates took the risk and quit school moreover managed to appear not once but many times in the Magazine. The question "do I have to take that route and quit University?

In life I have learnt that if there is no opportunity to fail, then there really is no opportunity to succeed. Therefore to make progress I have to face my fears then my big fat dream will become a reality. 

"the world's richest"