Sunday 12 February 2012

Right or Wrong

"Human nature itself is evermore an adventure for liberty. If people are capable of understanding, seeing, and feeling the difference between right or wrong, true or false, to what better principle can friends of mankind apply them to the sense of this difference."said John Adams 
 Right or wrong is a very essential aspect of life. It may be knowing right people, things, places and dressing well. It encompasses a lot in a human daily activities. It is also true that in this modern world plenty people cannot differentiate the two. I personally believe that knowing the right people will always help you getting ahead in school or in life.

Today so many women walk around half naked and they believe it is right, it has become a way of living.  Others abort babies every minute. For Example, South African statistics state that half of SA pregnancies end in abortion. Many women go for abortion because they got pregnant accidentally. they realise a baby is going to deprive them from living their lives, as they would like to live it. Then do you think this is the good reason for which an innocent soul can die? 

We think that it is wrong to kill people in Libya for oil. Then why do we think there is nothing wrong in using killing as a form of birth control? Also rapes are increasing every minute but simultaneously we still promote young children to dress provocative clothes.Yes; people have rights to wear what they want, whenever they want too but a person who knows right or wrong knows how to dress in a more respective manner. Simultaneously if you know you have rights you must also know that all rights come with responsibilities. Indeed parents who let girls dress in sexy outfits and wear make-up cant tell right from wrong. They are also the ones who promote pre-mature murder of young babies.

All human beings have the capacity to know right or wrong. Only if we can have time to apply ourselves, we definitely can find the right path.

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