Saturday, 2 June 2012

Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness.

"your fitness can be your weakness"
Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness. Your greatest weakness is your greatest strength. I believe this concept is so powerful it requires no active participation, no recognition. Some see it; some don’t strength and weakness, life and death, good and bad – one does not exist with the other. They are the same thing. I take things a step further “all things exist within all things”.

My greatest strength is creativity thus I am an extremely creative person. For the most part that's great. I have received much complements in life because of my creativity. However, as with most very creative people, I am a messy. I am so involved in "creating" that I don't focus on little things like putting things away in the right place and other "messy" behaviors.

Every trait you can think of that a person can have, can become out of balance if used the wrong way. Every trait can be both good and bad, depending on how you use it. Most of us use our traits both ways at different times. So next time you find yourself annoyed at someone for one of his or her traits, take the time to look for the other side of that trait.

Your greatest strength makes you interesting and useful. So use it, follow it , leverage it for the good of others.

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