Saturday, 17 November 2012

My side of the story

"car beyond repairs"
I believe its time I tell my side of the story.  I have waited so many years to tell my side of the story. In 2007 when I got the car accident the media in Swaziland wrote so many things and family members saying what ever pleases themselves. Today, for the first time I break the ice.

Indeed I can not justify myself in the accident. Fair enough accidents do happen to everyone. Once you behind the steering wheel anything is possible, mark my words. Unfortunately on my side I was caught into the dellima of drinking and driving as I was intoxicated, certainly not drunk because I took only few glasses of wine. Furthermore did not stop in a police roadblock. The last time I checked the speed meter I was driving between 90 and 100 km/h.  Consequently, one kilometre from the roadblock I lost control of the car while trying to overtake a red sedan in a corner. Actually, I run ontop of bumpy barriers which hit hard the left tire and it busted that when I lost control of the car thus hitting the guard rails and overturned.

I swear by the Almighty God that anything more than what I have written today is a lie. You can say what ever you want to say and believe what ever you want to believe but this is the truth. However, I am very disappointed at my family because they all choose to listen to the media except my brother.  Life goes on. I will continue to live my life to the fullest without any regreats and may the almighty guide and protect me.

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