Sunday 11 August 2024

Monarch VS Democracy: Perspective on Government Systems


Monarchy and democracy represent two distinct forms of government, each with its own set of principles and implications for society. Monarchy is characterized by a hereditary ruler, known as the monarch, who holds the position of head of state for life. On the other hand, democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people through elected representatives.

While democracy is often hailed as a system that upholds individual freedoms and promotes equality among citizens, some critics argue that it can also be a source of corruption. They point to the birth of capitalism, socialism, and globalization as offspring of democracy, leading to the emergence of systems such as privatization and the highly contentious tendering system.

The tendering system, in particular, has been criticized as one of the most corrupt practices in governance, where contracts are awarded based on competitive bids rather than merit or public interest. Critics argue that for a country to thrive and ensure its survival, it must move away from tenders and focus on building state capacity to provide permanent and pensionable employment opportunities for its citizens.

Globalization and privatization, which are often associated with democracy, have been accused of undermining countries and turning their citizens into economic slaves. The rich become wealthier while the poor fall deeper into poverty, creating a growing wealth gap that poses significant social and economic challenges.

In contrast, proponents of monarchy argue that it can be a solution for African countries if implemented effectively. They contend that a well-functioning monarchy has the potential to empower citizens and build a sense of national identity, rather than perpetuating systems of exploitation and inequality.

Moreover, monarchies can also embody democratic values while preserving their traditional roles, allowing for citizen development from the grassroots level and the creation of permanent, pensionable jobs. By offering stable employment and fostering a sense of citizenship, monarchies have the potential to ensure that individuals are not merely economic subjects but active participants in shaping the future of their nation.

Ultimately, the debate between monarchy and democracy highlights the ongoing discourse surrounding governance and the role of the state in shaping society. While each system has its strengths and weaknesses, the question of how best to govern and serve the interests of the people remains a central concern for nations seeking to achieve sustainable development and social cohesio

Sunday 31 December 2023


Prince Mlandvo Africa 

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, I am humbled and honored to pen down my aspirations for the new year. The year 2023 has been a remarkable journey filled with both challenges and opportunities, and as we look forward to 2024, I am filled with anticipation and determination for the road ahead.

Professionally, as a communications officer, my aspirations for the coming year are deeply rooted in the spirit of progress and collaboration. I am committed to enhancing communication with our esteemed stakeholders, fostering an environment of openness and transparency that will enable us to work together effectively towards our shared goals. Moreover, I am dedicated to the swift approval of the Ministerial Communications policy and strategy, laying the groundwork for impactful and strategic communication initiatives that will benefit our organization and the wider community.

 In addition to that, I am eager to broaden my organization social media landscape. In today's digital age, social media plays a crucial role in connecting with a wider audience. By expanding the organization's presence on various platforms, I aim to engage with a diverse range of individuals and foster meaningful relationships that can aid in professional growth and development.

As a proud member of the Royal Family, I am wholeheartedly devoted to supporting His Majesty King Mswati III's vision for the growth and prosperity of our beloved Eswatini. In 2024, I pledge to dedicate myself to the advancement of our nation's economic, social, and political landscape. I am committed to promoting the Tinkhundla system of governance and upholding the rich tapestry of Eswatini's culture and traditions, which are integral to our identity as a nation.

I firmly believe that by embracing our cultural heritage and fostering the principles of unity and progress, we can lay a strong foundation for the advancement of Eswatini and the well-being of its people. Together, let us work towards a future where every citizen can thrive and contribute to the continued success of our nation.

On a personal note, as a devoted father and husband, my foremost priority is to nurture and strengthen the bonds within my family. In 2024, I am determined to deepen the love and support for my beloved wife and to provide a nurturing environment for my children. It is my heartfelt desire to bring all my children together, ensuring they receive the best education and opportunities for their growth and development. Additionally, I am committed to securing more land to build a home where our family can thrive and create lasting memories together.

Furthermore, I am committed to spiritual growth. I firmly believe that true success lies in connecting with a high power, and this year, I aspire to deepen my connection with God the Mighty. By cultivating a stronger spiritual foundation, I hope to find peace, guidance, and strength to navigate through life challenges. 

Additionally, I am determined to make strides in my financial investments. By expanding my portfolio and exploring different avenues. I aim to achieve financial stability and create a secure future for myself and my family.

Socially, I have an exciting plan to officially launch my YouTube channel in February. This platform will provide me with the opportunity to share my knowledge, expertise, and experiences with a wider audience. Through engaging and informative content, I hope to inspire and empower others politically. 

Additionally, I recognize the importance of creating and maintaining strategic relationships with like-minded individuals in the business world. By forging connections with successful entrepreneurs and professionals, I believe we can collaborate, share insights, and help each other grow both personally and professionally.

Last but not least, it is my solemn pledge to address the injustices of the past and to restore the dignity of my father, correcting the wrongs that have been inflicted upon our family. I am resolute in my commitment to uphold the values of integrity and honor, striving to leave a legacy that honors the sacrifices of those who came before me.

As we step into the new year, let us embrace it with hope, determination, and a steadfast commitment to making a positive impact in every aspect of our lives. Together, let us seize the opportunities that lie ahead and face the challenges with resilience and unity. I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support of each and every one of you, and I am confident that together, we will navigate the path ahead with grace and fortitude.

May the new year bring you and your loved ones endless joy, fulfillment, and prosperity. I wish you all a happy and blessed new year. Thank you.

Friday 15 December 2023



I am compelled to address a matter of profound concern that has recently come to light through an online news article that has undoubtedly left many of us deeply troubled. The article in question has drawn attention to a distressing situation: the perception that there are inadequate funds available to re-build houses for the victims of a devastating hailstorm that took place last week in around Ngculwini area, all while a decision has been made to allocate over R200 million for the construction of a Village for Members of Parliament. This is not just a matter of misplaced priorities; this is a stark example of cheap politics at the expense of the most vulnerable members of our society.

It is indeed an unfortunate and distressing situation for the victims of the hailstorm, who have already endured great hardship due to the forces of nature. These individuals (citizens) are in urgent need of support and assistance to rebuild their lives and homes. It is deeply regrettable that certain individuals in positions of power seek to take advantage of this dire situation for their own gain, using the plight of the vulnerable as a means to boost their own relevance.

Besides, in the wake of the devastating ‘hailstorm political vultures’, it has become more crucial than ever for the government to prioritize climate change mitigation strategies and provide timely assistance to the affected individuals and communities. Recognizing the interconnected nature of climate change and its impact on extreme weather events like hailstorms, Government must play a pivotal role in addressing the challenges posed by these disasters on both immediate and long-term scales.

Climate change, driven by human activities such as greenhouse gas emissions, has caused a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events worldwide. The recent hailstorm in Engculwini areas is a striking example of the destructive power of these events, leaving a trail of damaged homes, infrastructure, and agricultural lands in its wake, and disrupting the lives of countless residents.

To effectively respond to these challenges, Government must adopt a multi-faceted approach that encompasses both mitigating climate change and providing aid to the victims. For example: In the aftermath of a hailstorm, Government should prioritize the rehabilitation and reconstruction of damaged infrastructure, homes, and agricultural lands. This can involve providing financial aid, low-interest loans, and technical assistance to affected individuals and businesses, with a focus on building back in a more resilient and sustainable manner.

On a positive note, it is crucial to recognize that amidst this distressing scenario, there is a glimmer of hope. It has been brought to light that there are discussions among members of parliament regarding the establishment of a climate change portfolio aimed at comprehensively addressing such pressing issues and allocating a budget to effectively respond to the challenges posed by natural disasters. This is a significant step in the right direction, and it is essential that these discussions materialize into concrete actions that genuinely benefit the affected communities.

Furthermore, it is heartening to learn that His Majesty’s cabinet has approved a relief fund of E32 million for storm victims. This demonstrates a recognition of the urgent need to provide immediate assistance to those who have been impacted by the recent hailstorm, and it is a step towards providing tangible relief to those in distress.

However, in the midst of these developments, it is paramount that I urge journalists and media professionals to exercise responsible reporting and refrain from perpetuating cheap, politically motivated stories. The public deserves accurate, unbiased, and insightful coverage that sheds light on critical issues and holds those in power accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, the recent hailstorm in eNgculwini serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to stand together as Emaswati in advocating for meaningful and proactive measures to address the challenges posed by climate change and to support those who have been affected by natural disasters. Let us work towards a future where the well-being of all members of society is upheld with compassion and integrity. Together, we can strive to build resilient communities that are equipped to face the challenges of a changing climate and where the well-being of all members of society is upheld with integrity and compassion.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Nhleko vs Madonsela' s Nkandla reports

I have spent the past two days analyzing Minister of police Nathi Nhleko's report on Nkandla project. As far as am concerned it is well written and is substantiated with facts and covers gaps found in the public protector's report published on 19 March 2014. in this regard, the two reports complement each other, they cannot be separated.

Minister, Nathi Nhleko's report is directive to four key areas that were identified by Madonsela's report as non security comforts. The report has established that there is a security purpose and function for all the identified areas and his findings are supported by facts from expects. Nonetheless, Nathi's report completes the public protector's half done work. Conversely, Madonsela's report mentioned no expertise used to gather her findings and the fact that herself was not a security expect raises questions on the report and methodology used in her investigation. Therefore, Madonsela was not in a position to passing proper judgement on Nkandla as she was ill-informed.
Furthermore, Madonsela's consistent emphasis that the President should “pay a reasonable percentage of the cost of the measures as determined with the assistance of the National Treasury” is violating the legislator's constitutional right to deal with matters independently without interference from other arms of government. I therefore, appeal to the pubic protector to review the constitution of South Africa because I believe her recommendations are not absolute more especially when the issue involves or has been delegated to another independent arm of government by her office. However if the matter is not delegated to a different arm of government then the public protector's recommendation is given highest priority but can still be challenged in the highest court of law. No one is infallible.
In essence, both reports on Nkandla do not conflict but complement each other. The second document completes work that was done on the first document. Hence it is clear that Mr President and his family did not unduly benefit from the Nkandla project. Therefore I believe time has come for all South Africans to put behind the Nkandla issue and focus on other important national issues.
Nkandla palace

Thursday 28 May 2015

Africa-Asia against Europe-USA.

The gospel of Europeans and Americans that the one with money control the universe is now hunting them. In the past Europeans and Americans were handling the Africans in a way that they would not like to see them grow and be something to contend with. In words of king Sobhuza II quoted in Hilda Kuper (1978) "the treatment the African receives is such that it aims at keeping him just at the level so he doesn't achieve complete independence."
Today that Asia is the current world economic super power there is light among African Countries. Asia is empowering Africans to stand on themselves and compete with the world ideologically, economically, politically, socially and environmentally. Latest development is manifested by the signature of His Majesty King Mswati III of the tiny Kingdom of Swaziland in the Bandung message: 'No single model of democracy'. This put his Majesty's Monarchiaral model of democracy legitimate and worth practice under the values of dialogue.
The world is under the mercy of the Asians after Europeans and Americans failed to bring equality among human species. Long Live Asia, Long Live

Monday 19 November 2012

Whats next?

"there is always time to do what is right"
Today signify the end of my 2012 academic year. Finally, I am done and dusted with all school work and whats next?

Indeed its not an easy question to answer considering that Professor Narvan Bachan has already denied me an opportunity to further my education (pursue M-Tech) due to lack of two years full time work experience in the same field. Then whats next? I seriously have no idea. Its true I can never go back and change what has been said and done but I can always learn the lesson to make things better next time.  My plan was to stay in Cape Town for two or more years but this has ruined all my plans, I have to move on, probably its for the best. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. However, I haven't lost hope yet. I still believe that I will register with this institution next year. On the other hand, I have already contacted other institutions and they are willing to enrol me, but moving to another province will drain me financially and psychological.

Furthermore, I'm please with my stay in Cape Town, I have gained strength, courage and confidence thus am proud to say "I can handle the next thing that come along eloquently." Anyways, God is the greatest planner, I just implement his ideas. Consequently, I'm looking forward to the next challenge.

Sunday 18 November 2012


"Apology heals all wounds"
At times there may arise a situation when our actions may hurt the feelings of our beloved ones. But as fast as we realize our mistakes we take the initiative to correct the situation and win their heart back. Apologising is something we do because we care about the other person's feelings.

An apology is the super glue of life. It can repair just about anything. Sometimes we may say or do things that we don't intent to. Our behaviours sometimes may not find the consent of our loved ones. These can lead to rifts within relationships. If you feel that what you have done isn't right and unknowingly have the feelings of your closed one then swallow your pride and seek apology. However, never apologize for something you didn't do wrong. Never apologise just to make the second person happy. An apology must convey your heart felt remorse.

At times we are too proud to recognise our mistakes or too afraid to accept our faults. But not apologising can cause us lose the precious relation. Don’t hesitate to ask forgiveness when you are sorry. Say it with an apology messages. Just pour your heart out on it and if the person loves you he/she will understand your feelings and accept your apology.